Unanimous Federal Appeals Court Rules Indiana Must List Lesbian Mothers on Birth Certificates

A unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit ruled on January 17, 2020, in Henderson v. Box, 2020 U.S. App. LEXIS 1559, 2019 WL 255305, that the state of Indiana must recognize the same-sex spouses of women who give birth as mothers, who should be listed on the birth certificates for their children.  Judge Frank Easterbrook wrote the opinion for the court.

The timing of this appeal … <Read More>

Can Three Parents Make a Family in New York?


                In an opinion issued on April 10, New York Family Court Judge Carol Goldstein confronted the question whether there can be a third parent – an adult with legal rights to seek custody and visitation of a child who already has two legal, biological parents – in the context of a married gay male couple and the woman who agreed to have a child with them and share parenting.  She concluded that the “non-biological <Read More>

Florida Supreme Court Rules 4-3 in Favor of Lesbian Co-Parent Egg Donor’s Right to Seek Custody

Ruling on a question of first impression for Florida, the state’s Supreme Court split 4-3, finding that a lesbian co-parent who had donated an egg that was fertilized in vitro and implanted in her same-sex partner, could seek custody of the resulting child whom she had parented for the first two years of the child’s life before the couple’s relationship ended.  The court approved a ruling by the 5th District Court of Appeal that a … <Read More>